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Baby Tigerlily - Newborn Photography Brisbane

So often when babies arrive at the studio with their older siblings I find myself deep in conversation with the siblings before I even meet their new little brother or sister.

Sure enough this is exactly what happened when Tallulah arrived with her new baby sister Tigerlily. She's such an energetic little girl, not shy at all and within moments she was right in amongst all the toys in the play area.

So now it was time to meet the new addition to the family, Tigerlily. Oh the cheeks on her! She was so snuggly and content.

I always start with family photos but Tallulah was very taken with all the toys, she eventually agreed to come in for a moment and their family photo is such a stunner!

The next set is usually sibling photos, but with the toy room pulling Tallulah back we moved on to some gorgeous images of Tigerlily on her own.

With her middle name being Rainbow, it was only fitting that we created a rainbow themed photo in her session as well, and doesn't she look divine all nestled into the fluffy cloud?

Tallulah came back in to see what the fuss was and I managed a few images of her by herself, but before we knew it she was off again into the playroom!

Then I had a brainwave. We could bring the playroom to her.

I got my pram prop and made it all soft for Tigerlily to lay in and photographed this image. Then we took Tigerlily out of the pram and called Tallulah into the room to show her the pram, and BOOM! Gorgeous sibling photo achieved! For baby safety I always capture this image in two steps, one with baby in the pram and no toddler in the room, then remove baby and it doesn't matter if the sibling moves the pram since baby is safely in mums arms again. I can then use Photoshop to seamlessly stitch the two photos together - wins all round!

We captured lots of lovely soft colours for this session, pastel pinks and soft yellows, and then a fun flower set with Tigerlily nestled into a bright pink flower!

The last images of a session I always capture are the "sleeping unwrapped" photos, because more often than not babies wake up when we unwrap them and may not re-settle. This was not a problem for Tigerlily, she dropped back to sleep quite soundly just long enough for us to photograph the first two poses, "bottoms up" and "facing forward".

My sessions are always baby led and it turned out that this was as much as Tigerlily wanted to do on the day, she quickly woke up so we rolled her safely on her back and captured a gorgeous open-eye photo!

Family photo shoots are so much fun.

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