Baby Izaiah - North Brisbane Newborn Photographer

I need to say this first up.
I LOVED this session!
With the family's beautiful heritage of India and Fiji we incorporated lots of wonderful pieces into their session including Dads kava bowl and a beautiful grass mat that his grandmother had handmade.
Little Izaiah had a beautiful head of hair and the most adorable little eyelashes. Although if you think those little bubba eyelashes are adorable then maybe dont look too closely at big sister Gabriela. I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy immediately after swooning at her! I mean, come on, curls, that gorgeous pout AND those lashes? Wowsers.
Dad stayed with me for a lot of the session, calming and settling his new son while mum entertained Gabriela and enjoyed all the baking coming from the little toy kitchen.
We did their sibling photo on a beautiful rainbow mandala and while she wasn't too sure about me at first she did manage to bring a sweet little smile out and holy cuteness it made for one special photo. As their mum is of Indian heritage it was so beautiful to see these gorgeous children amongst the colour and the circular patterns of the mandala which represent the journey through life.
Next up we did a set of a Fijian paper bark mat that had been hand printed like a tattoo with hand made inks. I loved the colours in this although Izaiah wasn't too sure about not being snuggled up tight any more and it took a little while to settle him in to this one.
With that lesson taken on board I decided to wrap him for the next setup, in a David Lam nest on his grandmother handmade woven mat.
This image holds two levels of significance, firstly the heirloom mat which is beautiful, and secondly the vine nest was made by a personal friend of their family! I happen to have 6 pieces from David, all amazingly earthy and beautiful pieces, but the nest is a big favourite and went so well with the woven mat.
Next was an image I had imagined since we had first discussed doing a photos with Dads kava bowl. I love this image because sharing in a Kava ceremony is a form of welcome. Its used to bring people together and as a way to connect to Fiji's past, and those sentiments are so perfectly fitting to welcoming their son to their family.
With the sleepy blanket photos to finish off the session we came to an end and it was time for me to wave goodbye to this beautiful family.
It turned out that Gabriela wasn't quite finished playing with the toys here and hid inside one, which her Dad simply picked up the whole box and carried her out to the car inside while she giggled and waved goodby like the princess she is. This Dad is so awesome.

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