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Noah, 6 Months - Brisbane Baby Photographer

The last time I saw Noah, he looked like this:

So I couldn't believe how much he had grown in just six short months!!

His cute cheeks were still the same, his hair just as soft and dark, but thats about where the similarities ended!

An active little man he loved crawling and standing, holding on to chairs and his parents legs.

He loved pulling at the fluff on the flokati blanket and chewing on anything that came into his grasp.

His Mum had a fail-proof way to make him smile and giggle - she would pretend to sneeze! Every single time she would do a present "Aaaahhhh-choo!" he would giggle at her, it was the best sound in the world and so cool to hear it all morning long.

I always photograph sitting babies with clothing on as they fit their clothes well by this age, but I do still like to do one or two photos naked on a soft blanket. I dont share these photos for privacy reasons but they are so cute, their little bottoms out of focus behind a big smiley face, often a few teeth just beginning to poke through.

Sometimes the children aren't too sure of the texture of the flokati blanket and on this day, Noah was not a fan and as soon as he was laid on it he voiced his displeasure. Mum picked him up right away and he was perfectly happy once more. We even took some photos of him giggling and snuggling into his mum as she settled him and they are divine!!

Since mum had some single photos we did some with dad too, of course dad photos are always active, throwing Noah in the air made for the best excited squeals we heard all day! The superman hold was next and Noah loved that one just as much!

Since we have photographed Noah at his newborn session we decided to do some images to show how much he has grown and replicated two images from that session, the sleeping on the wreath image and one of how he fits in Dads hands now.

In my new studio space I now have a wonderful spacious garden to photograph in and on this day we decided to finish the session with a couple of outdoor photos as well.

I can't wait to see how much more Noah has when he returns for his first birthday session in another six months time!

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