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MacDonald Triplets - North Brisbane Newborn Photographer

I was lining up for an ordinary week of business as usual when the email came through.

"I have just brought my newborn triplets home and was wondering about a photography session?"

We scheduled for a few days time as this incredible family were not only just-home-from-hospital with newborn triplets, but organising their move to New Zealand in a weeks time. Yes really.

The triplets are all girls - Sienna, Olivia and Amelia, with two identical and one fraternal. How incredible is that?!

To keep the day running as smoothly as possible I had discussed colours and ideas with Alana, the girls mum so that I could have some set-ups created and ready to go when they were here. She like pinks and purples, so naturally the first one I made was blue.

It was a beautiful soft pastel blue and mint tone that looked lovely and fresh and soft for the girls. Its is also a little unexpected colour set which I like too. 

Of course once they saw the set both parents agreed that it was lovely and dad Scott was stoked to get a set that wasn't pink since their house has become overrun with hues of pink lately.

As I wrapped the girls one by one, they settled into their snuggly wraps peacefully, little "dolphin" sounds coming every now and then which their parents said was a sign they are happy.

Next we did family photos, which I feel so strongly about. Your babies only fit into your arms for such a short time and they really do grow so quickly,  it is just so important to be photographed with them as much as you can while they are still so little.

If you have ever held a baby in your arms you will know how full your arms are and how it can get heavy after a while.  So for Alana's sake we did her photos in the chair with the babies all snuggled in on her lap, then Scott came in for a photo with everyone too. Next, Scott steeled himself to hold all three at once while standing and did a stellar job of it!

One thing I make a point of capturing at multiples sessions is single photos of each baby as well. Twins and triplets, while being gorgeous together, are still individuals and I feel it is important to honour that with single photos of each one as well as group photos.

With the girls sleeping soundly we captured another set of pink, grey and white, each of the girls getting a single set of photos as well as a few versions of group photos.

We were ramping up for the grand finale - an ultra-flowery photo of the girls each in their own basket, photographed separately and stitched together in photoshop. This image took a total of 9 seperate captures to create, plus overlays and cleanup layers.

It was getting towards feeding time and since un-wrapped babies tend to be more alert and squiggly, we took this chance to feed the girls.  As I unwrapped each one gently, they would spring awake and start asking for milk, it was almost funny by the time we were through them all!

The girls were each so stunning on the curly wool layer that I photographed some closeups as well - and you wouldn't believe it but they all gave me a little smile on the closeups!

It really was the most enjoyable day in the studio, we all has such a peaceful and fun morning capturing life long memories of these beautiufl little girls and their first few weeks. 

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