Baby Veda - North Brisbane Baby Photographer

Veda arrived at the studio bleary eyed and disoriented as she was waking up from a nap in the car on her way here. This is exactly how I like to start a first birthday photo session!
With a full tummy, a good rest and a full bank of smiles to use during the shoot, I was so pumped to get started.
This family is particularly special for me to photograph as Veda's mum Nisha took both of my girls through their kindy journey as the lead carer in their room. Nisha was such a wonderful influence on my girls and there have been many times I can hear her words coming out through my girls voices, from sweet manners "You're welcome!" to songs "I'm a little graduate, aren't you proud of me... " and sayings "You get what you get and you don't get upset" haha.
So it felt so fitting that I was able to give something back to her family after so many years of her wonderful gifts to mine.

As we got the shoot underway, Veda was so interested in my camera, keeping her eyes on me the whole time and not entirely sure about it.
When I showed her a photo on the camera screen she had a massive smile and a little squeal seeing herself and after that she was away!
Nisha had brought her wedding sari to the session and it was gorgeous. I loved the intricate beading of gold and red, so we hung it as a backdrop and Veda in her gorgeous golden dress was super happy to sit in front of it and giggle away as we made silly sounds and sung songs for her.

Veda's favourite song was "round and round the garden" which brought out cackles and giggles from the first line! She knew the tickle was coming and was already laughing well before it got her.
She had the most beautiful fluffy curls that we pinned back with a clip or a headband, always keeping one soft curl to the front, and her eyelashes were just incredible, so long and full framing her gorgeous brown eyes.
For some variation in the session next we did some pink fluffy layers, and she must have felt happy then because her smiles were off the scale! Theres "big smiles" and then theres these ones!
Her dad got some awesome giggles from her when he tickled her with his whiskers, she really loved the sensation of that.
I quickly changed the colours and captured some lovely natural images before Veda was very much done with us.

With all the hard work taking its toll, Veda was ready for another snooze. We got her dressed to go home and she had a snack and a drink. Her going home outfit was a lovely purple dress, and since she was setting down wiht the snack I quickly threw some purple things onto a backdrop and an adorable floral bonnet onto her head and boom - may I present a cute flowery baby in a basket!
With some more cuddles and snuggles Veda was well ready for another snooze in the car on the trip home, I have no doubt that she was asleep before they got to the end of the road!