A Family Time Warp - Brisbane Family Photographer
Recently, my lovely cousin Suling got married to an awesome guy called Ash. #congratsguys!

Their wedding was stunning and there were loads of gorgeous photos from the day to remember it by, captured by both their hired professional photographers and all the family phone snaps as well.
(Side note, she did a really awesome request that no one took photos of her walking down the aisle. This meant everyone was truly in the moment at that time, looking at her and not a phone screen, and their professional photographers were able to capture the genuine moment without phones stuck in the aisle crowding her and Ash's view of each other in that moment.
It was THE BEST!)
The day after the wedding, we were all gathered around at their place, chilling out and enjoying a last few hours catchup before everyone headed back to our respective countries, states and towns, as we all live far apart.
While we were lazing around the pool, my Uncle Bruce (Father of the Bride) dropped an envelope of old photos and negatives onto the table.

We all crowded around, shoulder to shoulder looking through these photos from 30 odd years ago.
Remembering life before microwaves, cordless phones and CD players.
It was a total family time-warp.
This photo is of my Grandparents on my fathers side, Alwyn and Doreen. They were dressed up for their wedding anniversary and are standing down the side of the old house for this photo. The house is no longer there. The trees and even the building behind them no longer there, but our memories are. Both have passed away now more than ten years ago, but we still remember all those details, even though you can't see them in the photo. We miss our family so very much, and with photos like this we can re-connect to those wonderful memories.

There were photos of my sister and I at around 4 and 6 years old. Hold on to your crimpers because there is some solid gold 80's style coming right up.
Let's start with my sister rocking around on her awesome trike, lollies hanging from everywhere, wearing her home made outfit with matching home-cut hair do. Our orange cat, TC, in the background, my parents said this was a birthday party in our old barbecue area.

And here my sister is in another home made outfit, nailing the mullet and still with a bucket load of sugar on hand.

Being the older sister, I decided to help myself to her lolly necklace. She wasn't impressed.
You know, these photos are over 30 years old and they certainly prove one thing - kids never change.

You may have noticed that while my sister had the mullet, I had one heck of a side pony with a flat cut fringe, the puffy sleeve blouse and corduroy dress rounding off a pretty perfect 80's kid look.

While we all took turns to look through the photos on the table and remember our childhood, my Dad played the guitar and my own children and husband sat around singing along to Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison.
I hope that one day they will also know the joy of coming across a time capsule of photos from their own childhood and laughing and remembering - reliving - this life, their past, with their own families.

To book your own professional family photos, contact Natarsha here