Baby Harrison - Brisbane Newborn Photographer

Well this session started out very smoothly. Harrison was lovely and sleepy in his Dads arms even after we undressed and wrapped him for hte family photos he was happy.
Snuggled into his mum he had a few little smiles, he obviously knew where he was.
Then when we brought his Dad in for some photos of the whole family it was nearly cuteness overload as they all cuddled into each other, the most beautiful new-family glow about all three of them!

While he was still wrapped we snuck in a few simple portrait photos of Harrison tucked up with some cute little teddy bears before he started to wake up for his mid morning feed.
With a nice mix of some earthy toned sets and soft neutrals we soon had the session designed and laid out ready to go.

It was around this time that Harrison decided it all looked really great too.
So great, that he couldn't take his eyes off everything.
Yep, he just calmly watched everything we did for the next two hours straight! It was magic actually, to capture so many gorgeous awake photos of a two week new baby boy. His eyes wouldn't have been able to register much, but that didnt stop him from looking around.

In between sets I would try to get him to sleep again, we tried white noise, we tried swaying, we tried feeding him more, we tried patting, wrapping, unwrapping, jiggling, shushing, mum, dad and myself all had turns at our best setting methods. To no avail.
Now dont get me wrong, he was totally content the whole time! He was just happy looking around and taking it all in. Perhaps he had a case of FOMO? (thats Fear Of Missing Out by the way)

Anywho, it didnt really matter because as you can see from these gorgeous images, he was quite the little model for me with his rockstar hair and beautiful deep eyes.
By the end of the session he finally gave in to sleep and had another short snooze in the last set of the day. It was just enough time for me to photograph his adorable toes before we called it a day and he headed home for (hopefully) a snoozy restful afternoon!